Bouquets - For Questions call 905 814 7726 or Whatsapp 416 723 8465 or fill the Contact - Order form - HST to be added to all prices below

$105 Standard Bridal Bouquet

$105 Standard Bridal Bouquet Roses

$125 Bridal Bouquet 2 tone Roses

$125 Bridal Bouquet 2 tone roses

$125 Bridal Bouquet Roses and Babies Breath

$135 Roses and sprayed babies breath bridal bouquet

$135 Bridal Bouquet Large / Small Roses /Greens

$135 Big roses /small roses and greens

$145 Bridal Bouquet Big and small roses babies breath and Greens

$165 - 2 tone big roses and 1 tone small roses and 2 types of greens Bridal Bouquet

$ 165 - 2 Tone large roses /one tone babies breath and greens

$35 Bridesmaid 3 Roses Babies breath and Greens

$40 Bridesmaid 5 Roses Babies breath and Greens

$185 Bridal Bouquet Roses /Calla Lilies /Berries

$185 Bridal Bouquet 2 Tone Roses and Small roses Gems and Jewels

$135 Large Roses / small Carnations / Babies breath and Greens

$115 Bridal Bouquet Roses and Carnations

$185 Bridal Bouquet Wildflowers

$185 Bridal Bouquet Wildflower

Fall Bridal Bouquet $185

$155 Bridal Bouquet Gerbera Daisy /Roses and Berries

Cascading Bridal Bouquet $300 and up

Check availability $160 Bridal Bouquet Red and Gold Roses Gems and Jewels

Check Availability $150 Bridal Bouquet Roses and Gold Leaf

$75 Groom Bouquet

Bridal and Bridesmaid Bouquets